Attention! Monthly tickets price change!

Dear travellers, we would like to inform you that from 25 October 2021, we are introducing new prices for monthly tickets. Please read the following price lists carefully. Monthly ticket on the line Koszalin <–> Polanów: Bilet normalnyPobierz Bilet z ulgą...

Attention! Single ticket price change!

Dear travellers, we would like to inform you that from 01 November 2021, we are introducing new prices for single tickets. Please read the following price lists carefully. Single ticket on the line Koszalin <–> Polanów: Bilet normalnyPobierz Bilet z ulgą...
We’re testing the new Tourismo!

We’re testing the new Tourismo!

Recently, courtesy of EvoBus Polska we have the opportunity to test the latest model of Mercedes-Benz Tourismo. This is a luxury vehicle that features high passenger comfort, an elegant interior, and innovative driving systems! A particularly important aspect for us...